Bly Studio, furniture designers
Bly Studio is founded by two young female designers, Eva Fly and Anne Brandhøj. With a common background as furniture designers from The Royal Academy of Design in Copenhagen, Eva and Anne work to create a strong sense of functionality and memorable visual expressions.
“It is motivating to have a receiver”
Anne and Eva like the blind date concept. They appreciate the opportunity to work with something concrete with a receiver at the end. They feel that this set-up gives them a possibility to show their ambitions to make responsible and conscious designs.
Their brief describes a wish for a movable in-between furniture piece that requires a high degree of stability. This is a furniture category, that Bly Studio hasn’t work with before, but Eva and Anne are excited to work with this new challenge. And they are eager to create a design that will please the company. Still, they hope to surprise them with their shape and material choices.
Reducing the amount of material while ensuring stability
From our point of view, the most difficult aspect of this design is to stay true to the overall theme of reduction. Not that we don’t want to – we work really hard to minimize the climate footprint of our design. But the high demand for stability in this product means that we must make a strong, durable, and solid construction”.
Nevertheless, the two designers examine each element of their design to find out how much they can reduce the amount of material. They are designing for disassembly, and they use Målbar’s screening tool to make some of their material choices based on climate emissions. They believe the tool can serve as argumentation for some of their design choices, which they see as a valuable support in their communication towards the company providing the brief.
Usually these projects that we have once a year with Danish Design Makers, they do not have a specific receiver, but only a theme. It is motivating to have a receiver at the end. It can be a challenge to get in contact with the big brands, especially the foreign companies. In this project we get the chance to create something for someone specific without being judged beforehand.”
Stay tuned..
When the design has been revealed at ORGATEC on October 22nd, this article will be updated with photos of the final design and more insights from designers. The climate emission number will also be shared here along with an explanation of how the design choices have influenced the emissions.
Målbar participates in Danish Design Makers‘ 2024 design challenge, The Blind Date experiment where 19 designers and design duos answer furniture briefs from anonymous European furniture companies. The designers use Målbar’s cllimate screening tool to gain insigths into the climate emissions of materials and production processes, learning about the climate impact of their design choices. Ultimately, the total cliamte footprint of each design will be calculated and presented at ORGATEC in Cologne on October 22nd-25th 2024.
This article reflects the designer’s own opinion and Målbar does not necessarily agree with their statements about materials, processes, etc.